Microlicious Vibes is proud to announce an exciting local delivery program. Freshly grown microgreens, delivered to your door, year-round–on a cancel-anytime delivery basis. Subscribe and we'll deliver If you are searching for a specific microgreen and you don't see what you are looking for. Drop Us A Line! We are offering a delivery service. Here's how the delivery works: We grow to order, and harvest the same day we deliver.
Your home or workplace must be within our delivery area. Feel free to arrange for delivery of your order.
Choose to receive a SHARE once, twice, or weekly each month. Each share contains THREE small clamshells.
Pea Shoots, Sunflower Shoots, Daikon Radish, Mild Salad Mix, Spicy Salad Mix, in addition to an occasional "surprise" microgreen.
Sign up now and take your health to the next level and beyond.
Contact us at microliciousvibes@gmail.com If you have any questions before beginning. Within 24 hours after checking out. You will receive a welcome email with more details about the program and our delivery schedule.
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